Little People
The story of Clay

by Dale Ziemianski

This web comic was created using only
open source software
Read more about that
in the Software section
of my "About" page

About this webtoon?

What would you do if everyone in the world shrank to 1/12 their size, like immediately. You woke up buried in your clothes and you were only 6" tall.

This is not a faerie tale. This is messy, gorey, and hard.

For the past few decades, I've been secretly using commission work as a means to teach myself the software skills I need to get good enough at my craft to do what I want to do with it, while getting paid learning it. And now that my skills have reached a professional level, I think it's time to launch a few comics I've had in my head since I was in my early twenties.

I've started the outline. I've studied some techniques of some awesome Webtoons artists and I've started the first episode below on this page.

If you'd like to be notified when I start posting this to Webtoons, add your email address here:

You won't be spammed and I won't sell your email address.
If you like the comic you can follow me on Webtoons and I'll post updates there about the patreon and other goodies.

Episode 1: Rude Awakening

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